The habit of listening to downloads is super easy to get into. You'll notice yourself looking forward to that time and even wanting to do it more often. Plus, there's so many choices that you'll be able to use them for what ever is going on in your life. Think of them as your very own on-call, as-needed tool box for life improvement, self management and support for all aspects of your life.
As, said earlier, there's really no set amount of times that you should be doing your downloads. Pay attention to what's working for you. You need to listen to them 'enough' to get an idea of what and how they work in your life. So, with that being said, once a day. If you can't do once a day, do every other day until you can get one in a day. If you're bored, try a different one. You can also mix them up and use different types. Now, I'm talking about all of the downloads associated with Spiritual Answers and Solutions .com. They will not contradict or thwart each other or interfere with any other inner work you're doing; Unless, of course, you pick two opposing downloads. Don't do that. For example: an I'm excited to be married and a happy to be single. Those would be opposing downloads, so, make a choice. Decide which one do you want and listen to other downloads that support your goal[s]. Now, you can listen to effortless weight loss and I take care of my body at the same time. They have the same goal in mind. You'll notice when you click on one of the downloads (View Details) it opens up so that you can read the description. Below that, there's a bunch of downloads that are related to it or may support it. Click here to see the Unlimited Streaming Downloads. (I use this shop the most for examples because it has all the downloads from all the various shops there. The only ones that are missing are the Classes, Seminars & Lectures and the eCourses & Training.)