Sunday, December 31, 2017

Stay On Track! for all of 2018!

Change your Life Month By Month. 
Make 2018 Your Year! 
Learn self hypnosis while you make the changes that you want to in your life. We have a fabulous program for you! We're helping you make those changes simple, easy and fun! All of the monthly themes teach you self hypnosis and keep your mind in the direction that you want it to be going. It's about whole life wellness. Each month is different. Have a great 2018!  
What it is and how it works: (Article & News Announcement) 

KMIR News Special This is Wellness Wednesdays taken to the next step! This special is for KMIR Viewers. It's a thank you with an added bonus of health and happiness! We hope you have a wonderful year! Sit back, relax and enjoy making the changes that you want in your life easier than ever before.
The monthly themes teach you self hypnosis and keep your mind in the direction that you want it to be going. It's about whole life wellness. And, at only $10.00 a month, and with a free 24 hour trial, you just can't go wrong! Click here for the Unlimited Monthly Streaming offer. 
Each month new downloads will be added to the program and the older ones removed. You'll have unlimited streaming access to the programs.

Now, once the current monthly special is over, you'll find those 'old' downloads in the Previous Month category at a discounted rate and the new ones will automatically appear in your account/your subscription! 

The idea is that you'll make those lasting changes in your life seamlessly, and probably, without even noticing. By the end of the month, you'll be ready for some new stuff! So, why buy the the packages? Well, the special prices are for those of you, that just simply, like them! And, they are great to keep in your repertoire of mind goodies in case you need to listen to them in the future or want to share them. Some of the downloads are great for those 'certain situations' or that special occasion. Plus, if you own them, you do not need internet access and can put them on any device that you like. 

*2018 is the last year that we're doing our $10 Monthly Streaming Special. The store will still be up and the packages will be available for purchase~ But 2018 is the last time that we'll have monthly themes available for streaming and the special monthly package pricing.  

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Holiday Specials

Please Enjoy Our Holidays Specials 
10% off our Happy Holiday Downloads!
Just enter discount10 at check-out. (Good in the following shops only) Click on the Store Name to Peruse all of our Selections. Happy Shopping!

Save 20% on Monthly Streaming Subscriptions
We have a plethora of monthly subscriptions to choose from. Plus, there's a free 24 hour trial so that you can be sure that you like the audios and that they're in alignment with who you want to be and what you want to create. Enjoy!
Click on the links to view the packages and what downloads are included in them.
Just enter coupon code discount20 at check-out and you'll get 20% off your subscription! Happy Listening!

If you didn't see what you were looking for or other stuff that's talked about in the various videos, Click Here to go to our blog post: Finding Your Way Around. It has links to everything that you need. 

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Getting Ready for Cyber Monday's Sale!

Hypnosis and Guided Meditations 

Save 20% on All Monthly 
Streaming Subscriptions
We have a plethora of monthly subscriptions to choose from. Plus, there's a free 24 hour trial so that you can be sure that you like the audios and that they're in alignment with who you want to be and what you want to create. 

Click on the links to view the packages and what downloads are included in them.
Just enter coupon code discount20 at check-out and you'll get 20% off your subscription! Happy Listening!

Please Enjoy Our Holidays Specials!
Hypnosis GroupOn  

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Holiday Hypnosis Sessions

Happy Holiday Manifesting! 
One of the very best ways to celebrate the holidays is to set your intention to enjoy them. Each holiday and season has its own special meanings to each and everyone of us. The Manifesting for the Holidays Board on Pinterest gives you a variety of choices (colors and content) so that you can create each holiday to be the best holiday. 

Pick and choose what suits you and your wants and needs. Please use the worksheets and download and save the exercises and memes. Feel free to share them everywhere! We've also created Manifesting Videos for each holiday. Just hit pause to read them. Plus, they have music and sounds in the background and have super cute [video] themes. They'll keep you entertained. :)

Make Every Holiday ~ The Best Holiday you have ever had. Save 10% on all of our downloads that get you ready for the holidays!
Just enter discount10 at check-out. Click here to peruse our selections. (Good in the Body, Mind & Soul Shop only.) Happy Celebrating!

Please Visit and Enjoy our Manifesting Worksheets Board on Pinterest. It has everything that you need to create your best... Everything! 
This Holiday... Make this holiday, season or day, the holiday you want it to be.There's a variety of worksheets and backgrounds for you to choose from. Here's the link to the blog post and the worksheets board. Happy Creating!

Join Us on YouTube
We have a fabulous Happy Holidays Playlist. You'll find affirmations, announcements, specials, self hypnosis, guided meditations, and all kinds of other wonderful holiday surprises and treats. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Happy Vegetarian Month!

In honor of Vegetarian Awareness Month, 
try a vegetarian meal this month.
Meatless Mondays have become increasingly popular and many people have found adopting to it fairly simple. If you're already doing Meatless Mondays, for this month substitute one or more of your Mondays to an entirely vegetarian meal.
Now, if you're a regular meat eater, you may not enjoy tofurky or turkey made of tofu! ;) Try something that sounds, and is, appetizing! You will definitely notice if bacon is not [really] bacon! So, no bacon ;) there's a lot of vegetarian dishes that are unique and yummy unto their own and do not have meat substitutes in them.
Everyone and what their bodies want and need are different. What we all can agree on is eating healthier is better :) Please enjoy this coupon for 10% off [any and] all the downloads in our Body, Mind & Soul Shop that help you eat healthy. Just enter discount10 at check-out. Happy Perusing!

Until the word 'vegetarian' was coined in the mid-1800's by the British Vegetarian Society, vegetarians were commonly referred to as Pythagoreans, after the Greek mathematician Pythagoras, who was one of the earliest vegetarians on record. 
Have a Wonderful Month! 
Here's a great info-graphic about National Vegetarian Month.  

From Visually.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Recovery Support

One Step at a Time 
(Adult Only Content, Dealing with Addiction)
You Can Do It!

Anyone that has had any challenge with addiction knows how difficult it is to cut back, let alone quit ~ for good. That's what this program is for... to help you. Peruse the audios 
 and eBooks, it's all about you getting the support that you need. The great thing about this subscription is that you can pick what you need at the time. And, you have access to it 24/7 [with an internet connection/wifi], so that you can learn to lean on you. Now, you can grab your phone/tablet/computer to listen to a download rather than the ______ that you're trying give up or stay away from. You can do it. You have the will-power to change your life. These downloads just give you that little oomph when you need it. Plus, they are awesome and make you feel great!

All of the audios in this program are to help you or your loved one with any Alcohol & Drug Challenges. These audio
recordings support any and all treatment, groups and programs that you may be doing. There's a 24 hour free trial, so please try this to see if this can help and support you with your life changes. Make sure that you like it :) Click on the category One Step at a Time Subscription for the descriptions and click here to see what's included in the program.

There's a 24 hour free trial. Be sure you like it before you buy
this. If you're interested in one particular download, try it with the free trial. (Be nice and don't take advantage of this.) Click here to see the sessions now
* This subscription does not renew automatically. You'll have to manually renew it every 3/6 months or if you'd prefer, you can do the yearly subscription and save some hassle and money. :) It's up to you... Do what you're comfortable with. If you're getting this for a loved one, here's the directions for the Gift Subscription

You may also enjoy our Board on Pinterest.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Complimentary Hypnosis Audio Sessions

We have a plethora of complimentary downloads! You may listen to them on YouTube or download them from our various shops. When in the stores, use the Sort By and put in Lowest Price First. All of audio descriptions and explanations, affirmation image eBooks and complimentary downloads will come up first. Enjoy! 

Click on any of the Shops [Below] to Peruse our Selections 

Sleep Hypnosis Sample & Explanation

Click on any of the links [below] to Listen via YouTube (They all go to the Playlists)

Save 20% on Monthly Streaming Subscriptions
We have a plethora of monthly subscriptions to choose from. Plus, there's a free 24 hour trial so that you can be sure that you like the audios and that they're in alignment with who you want to be and what you want to create. Enjoy!
This works great with the subscriptions! 
Click on the links to view the packages and what downloads are included in them.
New Releases
The Unlimited Potential Program
One Step at a Time (Adult Only Content, Dealing with Addiction)
Just enter coupon code discount20 at check-out and 
you'll get 20% off your subscription!
 Happy Listening!

You may want to keep these last two memes for reference. They'll work with/for any audio downloads from Spiritual Answers and Solutions. com

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

21 Day Manifesting Challenges

21 Day Challenges 
Creating Your Life and Making Habits Easy
We've started a new Pinterest Board that matches various blog posts and manifesting exercises. The best part~they help you create habits that you want! All of the sections of the 21 Day Challenges are completely different, come with memes, worksheets, instructions and recommended downloads. They're Great! Enjoy! 
If you need a bit of help and inspiration, be sure to try out the free 24 hour streaming subscriptions. We have everything you need to help you create everything you could ever imagine. Happy Manifesting!
Save 20% on Monthly Streaming Subscriptions
Happy Inspiration to You! Save 20% on any Streaming Subscription! We have a plethora of monthly subscriptions to choose from. Plus, there's a free 24 hour trial so that you can be sure that you like the audios and that they're in alignment with who you want to be and what you want to create. Enjoy! Click on the links to view the packages and what downloads are included in them. Lots of fun! Happy Listening!
Just enter coupon code discount20 at check-out and you'll get 20% off your subscription! Happy Listening! 
Just pick what you want or need at the time. There's a bunch of complementary downloads, eBooks, worksheets and affirmation that go with each program. There's a large variety of exercises and worksheets that fit nearly anything that you want to create. 
Be sure to date each entry and always go back and check your manifesting. Remember to write down the downloads that you used to support yourself and how many times/how often you listened to them. So Fun! Enjoy!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Healthy Living, Weight Loss & Fitness

Healthy Living, Weight Loss & Fitness
Creating Your Life and Making Habits Easy
We've started a new Pinterest Board that matches various blog posts and manifesting exercises. The best part~they help you create habits that you want! All of the posts/pins of the Healthy Living, Weight Loss & Fitness board are focused on your health (and shape!), healthy eating, healthy choices are completely different than the other manifesting exercises and memes you'll find with us. You'll find videos, memes, worksheets, instructions and recommended downloads. You're more than welcome to download the, share them and put them everywhere! They're Great! Enjoy! 

If you need a bit of help and inspiration, be sure to try out the free 24 hour streaming subscriptions. We have everything you need to help you create everything you could ever imagine. Happy Manifesting!
Save 20% on Monthly Streaming Subscriptions
Happy Inspiration to You! Save 20% on any Streaming Subscription! We have a plethora of monthly subscriptions to choose from. Plus, there's a free 24 hour trial so that you can be sure that you like the audios and that they're in alignment with who you want to be and what you want to create. Enjoy! Click on the links to view the packages and what downloads are included in them. Lots of fun! Happy Listening!
Just enter coupon code discount20 at check-out and you'll get 20% off your subscription! Happy Listening! 
Just pick what you want or need at the time. There's a bunch of complementary downloads, eBooks, worksheets and affirmation that go with each program. There's a large variety of exercises and worksheets that fit nearly anything that you want to create. 
Be sure to date each entry and always go back and check your manifesting. Remember to write down the downloads that you used to support yourself and how many times/how often you listened to them. So Fun! Enjoy!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Monthly Manifesting

Monthly Manifesting Exercises
 & Matching Worksheets. Yay! 
How fun! A whole month of creating what you want. These exercises and matching worksheets keep you focused all month long. You'll get instructions, note pages and worksheets numbered 1-31.  You can match them to the dates on your calendar, use the calendar worksheets or start any day with number one. Enjoy!

Downloads make creating the life that you want easier than ever before.
Achieve your goals now.
Save 10% on all of our downloads that help you achieve your goals!Just enter discount10 at check-out. Click here to peruse our selections. (Good in the Body, Mind & Soul Shop only.) Happy Succeeding!

Please Visit and Enjoy our This Year Board on Pinterest. It has everything that you need to create your best... Everything! 

This Year... Make this year the year you want it to be. Enjoy these memes; use the exercises and journaling prompts to create the life that you want. Here's the link to the blog post and the exercise instructions. Happy Creating!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Every Day Manifesting

Welcome to Every Day Manifesting! 
Getting into the habit of manifesting what you want your day to be like is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. Setting your intention for the day [and your future] puts in in a powerful, positive mind frame. Plus, you're reminding yourself that you are in control of your life. Please enjoy our Every Day Manifesting Board on Pinterest. There's a plethora of exercises and matching worksheets for you to download, share and enjoy!

If you need a bit of help and inspiration, be sure to try out the free 24 hour streaming subscriptions. We have everything you need to help you create everything you could ever imagine. Happy Manifesting!
Save 20% on Monthly Streaming Subscriptions
Happy Inspiration to You! Save 20% on any Streaming Subscription! We have a plethora of monthly subscriptions to choose from. Plus, there's a free 24 hour trial so that you can be sure that you like the audios and that they're in alignment with who you want to be and what you want to create. Enjoy! Click on the links to view the packages and what downloads are included in them. Lots of fun! Happy Listening!
Just enter coupon code discount20 at check-out and you'll get 20% off your subscription! Happy Listening! 
Just pick what you want or need at the time. You can do the same exercise each day or pick a new one. It's completely up to you. There's a large variety of exercises and worksheets that fit nearly anything that you want to create. 
Be sure to date each entry and always go back and check your manifesting. Remember to write down the downloads that you used to support yourself and how many times/how often you listened to them. So Fun! Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


It's time to celebrate being a woman! Please download our complimentary guided meditation for women [here] or you may listen to it via YouTube [here]. Honoring yourself is a wonderful way to spend today. 

We have a plethora of affirmation images, guided meditation and self hypnosis downloads/sessions, and classes that are created especially for women. Click here peruse our selection in our Ladies Section.

The newsletter Living Lightly is designed to do just that... to remind us to live in a Light state of mind; to enjoy our lives and take things lightly.  Let us brighten your day and prompt those enlightened moments. You'll get a new newsletter every 27 days and on some holidays. We want you to take your time and enjoy reading the articles and doing the exercises.

If you like videos, you'll love our affirmation and memes dedicated to women. Click here to visit our Affirmation Images Playlist on YouTube. Scroll through to watch the ones that you like. We have also added a bunch for International Women's Day. Click here to visit our Happy Holiday Playlist. Happy perusing! 

If you don't already have one... Get a Journal!
At Changes Made Easy .com we believe it's about consciousness. We think life should be fun... more fun... bunches and bunches of fun! We also believe that every choice each and every one of us make, everyday has the potential to substantially change the world... our world. This is a great opportunity to bring you unique and thoughtful products. We have a huge selection of various products to support all types of causes and differences in thought. Click Here to Visit The Spunky Plum

We have a wonderful board on Pinterest for Ladies only. You'll find videos and classes, guided meditations, self hypnosis downloads, positive affirmation images and memes, manifesting exercises and worksheets, and adult coloring pages and print outs. Enjoy!