Tuesday, November 26, 2019

7 Day Everything Sale

A whole 7 days of 20% off everything in our shop. We never run sales like this. This is the first year we're trying it. Stop by and let us know what you think.

The sessions come out to be only $2.47 each! You don't even need a coupon, the discounted is taken off at check out. 

There's great downloads for this holiday season! Come by today! 

ChangesMadeEasy on Etsy: We're excited about our new shop on Etsy and wanted to share it with you! We have hypnosis and guided meditation audio downloads and bullet journal and planner inserts. We hope you'll love all of our tracker and sticker sets. Everything in our shop is full of instant downloads and is priced under $5.00! We're always putting something on sale that help make life a little bit easier and brighter. Check back regularly! There's a plethora of audio sessions that help you enjoy and make the best of each holiday and they'll be 50% off during their season! Happy Celebrating!

It's the only time of year that everything in our shop in on sale. Come and check us out!