Friday, August 2, 2019

Customer Appreciation Day

Everyone that's signed up for Living Lightly Newsletter gets an email with instructions, a website link, and a coupon code for a free audio session. 
Every year on August 8th, we send out a coupon that you are able to use in one of out download shops. During your checkout process, enter the coupon code ______ and your download will be free.

~ Namaste ~ 

The newsletter Living Lightly is designed to do just that… to remind us to live in a Light state of mind; to enjoy our lives and take things lightly. Let us brighten your day and prompt those enlightened moments.

~ Living Lightly Newsletter ~

The newsletter Living Lightly is designed to do just that… to remind us to live in a Light state of mind; to enjoy our lives and take things lightly. Living Lightly Newsletter Archive/Blog: Living Lightly Newsletter Specials and the free monthly newsletter subscription is made to brighten your day… to prompt those enlightened moments. The blog and the forum (Coming Soon!) is a great way to get to know like-minded people and light, healthy interaction with people from all over the world.

You'll get a new newsletter every 27 days and on some holidays. We want you to take your time and enjoy reading the articles and doing the exercises.

The newsletter includes affirmations, metaphysical stories, manifesting tips and hints, exercises, recommended reading and movies, information on living a healthy, holistic life and we even give you homework (you won’t be graded, of course!) to keep your thoughts higher and your mind in a positive, Light state- all of the time. You will also receive a free meditation download with your subscription every Customer Appreciation Day 8-8 and in the Holiday and The Specials Newsletter! 
It averages about 10-12 downloads a year. 
Living Lightly Newsletter also includes discounts, coupons, information, updates on downloads, classes, seminars and links to various places throughout the websites Spiritual Answers and Solutions .com, Changes Made Easy .com, the Changes Made Easy Blog, and Diary Entries of a Psychic .com

We want you to know that we appreciate you. We appreciate your business. We appreciate your desire for change. You appreciate your efforts, your hard work, and your dedication. We appreciate that you listen to the downloads. Enjoy your sessions!

And remember … You are the one that decides what type of day you are going to have. This day was made by you- for you. You can make today the best day you have ever had. Positive thinking goes a long way and a little bit of magick makes every day brighter.

Happy Customer Appreciation Day!